Michael Brown

Senior Pastor


Mike grew up in the Central Ohio area (Grove City) and became a Christian while in high school. He felt God directing him into pastoral ministry at the age of 17. He met his wife, Chris, while attending college in Indiana. They were married and accepted their first church assignment in Monroe, Indiana – where their daughter Stephanie was born. In 1989 the family moved to New Albany and Mike became senior pastor of Franklin Church.


It is his desire that the church impact the community for Christ by becoming a loving – caring church with a passion for leading and discipling families for Christ so that they may experience a living relationship with Him. Mike’s favorite scripture is Matthew 6:33.


Mike can be reached at 614.668.7168 or at mike@franklinub.org.


Management Team

Tom Dague, Chair

Dawn Dague

Debbie Dean

Greg Eller

Ruth Eller 

Kirk McVay 

Tamie McVay, Recording Secretary




Joy Fugate

Administrative Assistant

Audio Visual Tech


Dawn Dague

Church Treasurer

Financial Secretary


Kirk McVay

Adult Bible Study

Lay Pastor

Praise Team


Tamie McVay

Women's Ministry

Kitchen Ministry

Admin Board Recording Secretary

Audio Visual Tech

Praise Team

Steve Derwent, Leader

Kirk McVay

Sandy Cox


Coffee Host

Steve & Pam Derwent

Outreach Committee

Pam Hardman

Cindy Jones

Rob Jones

Ruth Salyers


Tom Dague

Robert Dean

Property Management

Welcome to Franklin Church!

Adult Bible Study:    9:00 a.m.

Worship & Message: 10:15 a.m.

Office Hrs: Tues/Thurs 8:00 a.m.-Noon

                   Wednesday 8:00-10:00 a.m.

7171 Central College Rd

New Albany, OH 43054

(614) 855-1391 

Or Contact Us.


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